I realized yesterday that only four Jewish blogs on my list
post regularly anymore, and they all belong to frum people: DovBear,
Rationalist Judaism, Fink or Swim, and one I started following only recently, EmesV'Emunah. The rest post infrequently, if at all, and most have been defunct for
years. Even Frum Satire, the site through which I discovered the blogosphere
way back when, is a shadow of its former self. There was a time when almost every time I looked, there was a new
post from someone. Now it seems the blogosphere is dying.
When Unpious started up it subsumed a lot of the Chassidshe
skeptic blogs, like "A Hasid and A Heretic," and "Penned In," (both which are
gone now) and of course "Hasidic Rebel." It published essays by those
and other bloggers, but Unpious hasn't posted anything in almost a year.
A year ago also there was a short-lived blog, "Diaryof a Jewish Skeptic," which looked promising, but there were only four
posts, and nothing for the last year. Two years ago " Divrei Ben Zoma,"
stopped posting. It was a blog by a frum
guy with a skeptical tendency that explored theological questions. Around the
same time a blog I particularly enjoyed, " coin laundry," also
stopped posting. Its author was a firmly atheistic Jewish woman from Toronto
who was interested in Orthodox practices. There were a lot of interesting
conversations over its two-year run.
Three years ago "Orthoprax" stopped posting. He
was one of the original skeptic blogs, and ran for five years. He posted once a
year ago, but I think it's safe to say his blog is finished. Another of
bloggers who was around when I discovered the blogosphere, "FrumHeretic," also stopped posting then. As did two blogs with an academic-ish
flavor, " Baruch's Thoughts" and " Textuality." "ThePraxy Project," a collaborative blog belonging to two college-age guys exploring
Jewish theology and the mechanisms of belief also ended three years ago.
Four years ago saw the end of the great XGH's blogging
career with the deletion of his latest blog, "OrthoModerndox." It was
also the end of another of the greats, the " Da'as Hedyot" blog which
ran for six years and included many interesting posts, not least of which were
his interview series with a diverse group of people who had left the frum
world. He posted once two years ago, but that blog is likely also finished. At
that time " onionsoupmix," an orthoprax women - and one of the few
female Jewish skeptic bloggers - who had
also been blogging for six years decided she didn't care enough about the
foibles of the frum world to post anymore. Two of the smaller blogs, " TheSkeptitcher Rebbe" and "Sitting on the Fence" also stopped
posting then. And there was a short-lived blog which lasted for less than a
year but caused a lot of interest and controversy, "The Orthoprax Rabbi'sBlog."
Five years ago "Frustrated Ortho Jew," "DivreiAcher," and "Notes on Nothing" stopped posting. So did a blog I
really enjoyed, "Lunacy Log," which lasted a little less than two
years and picked apart the rantings of the Jewish blogosphere's resident troll.
Six years ago "Baal Habos," another of the blogs
that was around when I first found the skeptic blogs, ended his run.
And there are others over the years, some interesting, some not, which lasted for a few months or years,
then were abandoned, made private, or deleted.
There are a few that still post occasionally, like "UndercoverKofer," "Wolfish Musings," and "Atheodox Jew," but
there's nothing like the volume there used to be. Nor do the blogs that stop
posting get replaced by new ones like they used to.
So, where is everyone?