He is far more powerful than any human. He wants what is
best for people. He rescues people from disasters.
Am I describing God, or Superman?
I've realized that many people think of God as Superman.
Rather than the omnipotent omniscient deity they would describe if you asked
them to tell you about God, they seem to think of God as a powerful and
benevolent but quite limited Being. He is dealing the best He can with bad
situations. The disasters, even the natural disasters, are not His fault, as
they must be if He is omnipotent and there is hashgacha pratis, but just kind of happen. Then, like Superman, He
swoops in and tries to rescue people. He may even try to mitigate the disaster.
This must be why people say things like, "Thank God, it wasn't
Thank God it wasn't worse?! God caused the earthquake or the
tsunami or the plane's engines to fail or allowed the terrible war to happen or
guided the bomb to land here instead
of there. That it was bad at all is
God's fault! Except that they don't think of Him that way. The God they're
thinking of isn't the theologically correct God, what someone once described to
me as "The Sunday School version" of God. The God they're thanking is
Superman, who came rushing over when he heard the plane's engines suddenly go
quiet and managed to save one little girl before it crashed. It's sad that the
other passengers died, but it isn't His fault. He managed to divert the plane
away from the nearby town and save the little girl. Thank God it wasn't worse.