I'm thinking of using this as the cover for my book. Any thoughts?
I'm thinking of self-publishing through Amazon, and pricing it
at $25. Does that seem reasonable?
I'm also considering, "Reasonable Doubts Regarding Orthodox Judaism, Religion, and God" as a subtitle. It's a bit less confrontational.
I have over nine hundred pages of notes so far. I have a few
more books I want to read through for references, and about a hundred pages of assorted
notes and links to articles to go through and organize, but the end of the gathering information phase is in sight. I figure another month or two.
I've discovered the main task when writing a book like this
is sorting. First gathering and sorting all of the information into chapters
and sub-sections, which I've been working on for the last year and a half. Then
comes sorting the information in each subsection into points, filling in any
gaps, sorting the information in each point into a coherent
progression, and finally writing it up. So lots still to do.