Monday, August 21, 2017

Book Cover

I'm thinking of using this as the cover for my book. Any thoughts?

I'm thinking of self-publishing through Amazon, and pricing it at $25. Does that seem reasonable?

I'm also considering, "Reasonable Doubts Regarding Orthodox Judaism, Religion, and God" as a subtitle. It's a bit less confrontational.

I have over nine hundred pages of notes so far. I have a few more books I want to read through for references, and about a hundred pages of assorted notes and links to articles to go through and organize, but the end of the gathering information phase is in sight. I figure another month or two.

I've discovered the main task when writing a book like this is sorting. First gathering and sorting all of the information into chapters and sub-sections, which I've been working on for the last year and a half. Then comes sorting the information in each subsection into points, filling in any gaps, sorting the information in each point into a coherent progression, and finally writing it up. So lots still to do.


  1. Not crazy about the sheep background. Is that supposed to be an allusion to conforming thought?

    1. Yes. And the black sheep is the only one who dares to look at the camera straight on.

      Too subtle?

  2. I like it!

    I think the subtitle in your written part of the post may be better since, as you say, less confrontational.

  3. From previous posts, I believe the aim of your book is not to persuade religious people not to be religious, but rather to show religious people and those bought up in the faith but who don't really accept it, that the irreligious do have a logical basis.

    Hence I think the 2nd subtitle suggested makes more sense.

    By the way, once you get to that stage, if you want me to proofread your draft for thoughts on the more philosophical aspects (ie not the spelling) I would be happy to.

    1. Thanks. I plan to have a few people proofread it, for both the content and the spelling.

  4. I would suggest you make the title, subtitle and cover all as non-confrontational as possible. There are probably many people (myself included) who would be very interested to read the book, ut also are fairly conscious of the "look" of books that they have on their bookshelf. Just saying.

    1. That's a good point. I like the title. I think it's attention-grabbing. But if I can, maybe it shouldn't be on the spine? Just use the end of the subtitle, "Orthodox Judaism, Religion, and God" on the spine.

    2. Or you can do it like harry potter where there were two covers, the "original" kiddie one ad the one for adults too embarrassed to read a kids book on the train. You could have an undercover version :p (don't know if that would put up the publishing price).

  5. "I'm thinking of self-publishing through Amazon, and pricing it at $25. Does that seem reasonable?"

    $25 is not particularly unreasonable for this sort of book, but be aware that whatever the price you won't sell that many. It's kind of a niche market...

    1. It's even worse than you think. Most of the (few) people who I know would buy it are the same people I've asked to proofread it.

      On the other hand, there are thousands of OTD and on-the-fence people out there, so I can dream. The problem is how to reach them, and I know next to nothing about marketing.

    2. Maybe put an advert in the mishpacha? 😀

  6. I agree. Is a kindle version on offer?

  7. I vote for second option of subtitle as well - but mostly because it plays on the "beyond a reasonable doubt" book that I was forced to read when I starts doubting!

    Also, perhaps consideration of the cover being too confrontational is moot if you're self publishing as an e-book only?

    Looking forward to reading it regardless of cover and title choices! And you can bet I'll promote the hell out of it once it's out ;)

    1. I picked up "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" at a friend's house, years and years ago. It was awful. And then the author was arrested for having child porn. Which doesn't say anything about his arguments, but what does it say that seforim stores still carry his book? Would they still carry it if he had been discovered to frequent treif restaurants?

  8. @G*3 If you think it would help, I offer my services for free to read the book. Decades ago I wanted to write a book along the lines "Why I Am Not An Orthodox Jew". But life got in the way and in the past few years I am recording some of the reasons I went OTD, including some of the actual books I read as a young-en. I had been taught Judaism and the Torah was unique and special, yet I was finding pagan parallels for virtually everything in the Torah and Judaism. It shattered my faith in the truth of Torah and Judaism.

  9. Hi G*3
    I read your outline last night. I think it is fantastic. I spend much time in the OTD Facebook world.
    This is a much needed book.
    I see it as being almost like a jewish version of The God Delusion.
    Do not underestimate the reach and longevity of you project.
    I would be privileged to proof read it.
    A Kindle edition is critical.
    I would pay $25 for a hard copy unhesitatingly.
    I like the picture , and the original more confronting caption.
    If you can get a commercial publishing house on board it may help in marketing.
    Whoever published Shulem Deans book may realise the potential. Perhaps ask Shulem . It would be great if he could write the into / blurb.
    A catchy .com website would be a good marketing tool and some YouTube interviews ....
    Good luck .
    You have done a big secular mitzvah that will help many people !
