Saturday, December 23, 2017

Hashkafa with a Heretic, Episode 1

I'm trying something new. This post is the first in what I hope will become a series of audio episodes in which I (and possibly guests in the future) read through classic hashkafa seforim and share my thoughts. This project was inspired by the conversation Luzer and Ari (two of the stars of One of Us) had with a chassidish couple about a month ago. The woman they were talking with mentioned that she had also had questions as a teenager, and had learned through Chovos HeLevavos. She seemed to imply that it had answered her questions. I've never gone through Chovos HeLevavos straight through, so I figured, let's give it a try. I don't want to spend too much time on this project, so I'm doing this off-the-cuff, in one recording session straight through, half an hour to an hour a week.  Let me know what you think.


  1. It's not great. It was losing my interest fairly quickly, even after I shifted playback to 1.5x speed. It just doesn't have the information density and editing review that your writing does. Perhaps something like one post written per chapter would be more effective (not to mention searchable).

    1. I do have to agree here. I love your writing, but I have no patience for a podcast.
      How's the book coming along BTW?

    2. I'm about eighty pages in, in the middle of chapter 3.

      Writing is significantly more time-consuming, but all right. Maybe I'll post it in smaller chunks, whatever I can get through in an hour or so each week.

    3. Love the idea, though I agree - but I don't agree that it has to switch to being written. A podcast is a great idea, but maybe a little more thought is necessary as to what exactly the point is. Plus, I hate to say it, because I know how much time "off-the-cuff" projects can suddenly take up - but prep is essential... I would love perhaps an edited version of this, or one where you pre-selected passages and summarized others, etc.

    4. I listened to some of it again, and I think it's the parts where I'm reading that become boring. That, and I'm trying to read and think at the same time. I'm not sure about prep, but I think I'll dispense with reading word-for-word out loud, and edit out the silences while I'm reading and thinking.

      Ideally, I'd like it to be a conversation. If anyone is interested.

    5. Yeah, I was thinking that this might be better as a conversation. Or a series: "This is Hashkafa with a Heretic. This week / month's heretic is so-and-so, discussing x chapter of abc sefer..." Go in order of chapters, or have "guest-heretics" choose which sefer / chapter to read... Lol, my mind ran away from me. I would volunteer for one or two, but I'm not sure I have anything worthwhile to say (it's been a while since I read any of these). I would definitely offer my editing services if this becomes a thing, though.

    6. Now that is starting to sound more positive

    7. I definitely like the conversation idea. Ideally a conversation with someone from the “other side”.

  2. Not sure why my comment keeps not coming up. Can’t be bothered to write the whole thing a third time. I found the podcast interesting and would listen to the follow up.
